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Privacy Policy

Privacy and Cookie Policy – Updated May 20, 2018

KEYNEO is concerned about the protection of personal data and undertakes to respect the trust you place in it and to ensure the confidentiality and security of your data, in accordance with the provisions of the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) which came into force on 25 May 2018, as well as French legislation and in particular Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to “information technology, files and freedoms”, as amended, as well as those of the Law on Confidence in the Digital Economy of 21 June 2004.

The person responsible for processing personal data is KEYNEO.

Our data protection delegate is Alexandre Mayaud.

  1. Purposes of the processing and justification by consent and legitimate interest

The processing carried out by KEYNEO, the company responsible for the processing, is necessary to enable it to process your requests for information, inform you of KEYNEO news, customer relationship management, statistics and generally improve its offer.

The justification for its processing is the legitimate interest of the company to offer you its products and provide the services offered.

In particular, the processing allowing electronic canvassing is based on the consent of the persons, express consent to receive information or advertising at the e-mail address communicated, or tacit consent deduced from the absence of manifestation of the will to oppose the advertising, in accordance with the regulations in force,

Your data collected on the forms accessible on the KEYNEO site are obligatory for the contact request, except those marked optional.

  1. Recipients of the information

The information collected is intended for the KEYNEO company, which is responsible for processing, in particular its sales and marketing departments, which participate in the services of the KEYNEO site

  1. Your rights

You have, with regard to personal information about you collected directly or indirectly, on the forms of the site or paper, or subsequently including by aggregation of behavioral data to better serve you, by proposing offers likely to interest you, tailored to your profile:

  • a right of access as well as a right of rectification in the event that this information proves to be inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous and/or outdated,
  • new rights of portability, oblivion, deletion or limitation, a right of opposition,
  • free of charge, to the use by KEYNEO.
  • the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority.

When you exercise your right to object or unsubscribe from our newsletters, KEYNEO takes the necessary steps to ensure that you are no longer a recipient of prospecting operations. However, due to the time required to process the objection, you may you may still receive messages for a limited period of time due to the time it takes to process the objection. You can receive offers from our company again, if you register with our company after objection

  1. Shelf life

Our company keeps the personal data collected:

  • With regard to our customers’ information, for a period of 8 years following the completion of payment for the products and services purchased
  • With regard to the information of prospects and visitors to the site, for a period of 5 years after the last contact from the prospect (click on the site, response to a message, request for information etc.).
  1. Transfers outside the European Union

The information we have collected may be transferred outside the European Union by our service providers:

  • GOOGLE services and in particular GOOGLE ANALYTICS: UNITED STATES
  1. Violations – Notifications

In the event of a data breach or loss, KEYNEO will inform the CNIL within 72 hours, as well as the persons whose data has been compromised.


How do you set your cookies browser?

Like many websites, may store or retrieve information from your browser, usually in the form of cookies. This information, which may relate to your contact information, navigation, preferences, or Internet device (computer, tablet, or mobile device), allows us to tailor our website to your expectations.

The purpose of the cookie is, among other things, to indicate your visit to our Site. Cookies are therefore used by our Site in order to improve the personalized service that is intended for you and to bring you more relevance in the services and offers that you can receive.

Below you will find more information about the different uses of cookies. If you wish, you can prevent some or all of these cookies from being set.


The law requires a Site to inform you of its cookie policy and to obtain your consent before setting any cookies.

This information is given to you in accordance with the law and the recommendation of the CNIL by means of a banner displayed on the home page of the Siteon your first visit, and opening on a simple click on this information document informing you about our policy on cookies and informing you that by continuing your navigation on the Site, after displaying the banner, you accept that cookies whose purposes are presented to you, may be used by the Site.

However, some purely functional cookies are necessary (e.g. language selection), because without them the functioning of the Site is not possible or imperfect, and can be placed and read on the user’s terminal without the need for consent and therefore without waiting for the continuation of the navigation


A cookie is a simple text file, stored on the hard disk of your terminal equipment (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) issued by the server of the Website you are visiting. It contains several data such as the name of the server that deposited it, a unique number, possibly an expiry date and information on the navigation carried out on the pages of the Site that you visit. It is therefore used to send information to the browser used by the terminal and to allow this browser to send information back to the Site that placed the cookie.

This information can be a session identifier, the pages of the Site visited, the language of conversation, information about your account. They may be of very limited duration and disappear when you close the session (session cookie) or stored for a lifetime, until they expire or until you delete them, if you wish.

Cookies are placed by the Site you are visiting or by partners for specific purposes (audience measurement, analysis, targeting of offers etc.). Some cookies do not allow you to be identified, others allow your preferences to be memorized.

In general, a cookie records information about your computer’s browsing on our Site (the pages you have visited, the date and time of the visit, etc.) that we can read during your subsequent visits.

Only the person who set the cookie can read the information stored by the cookie.

Only the person who set the cookie can read the information stored by the cookie. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that cookies record the characteristics and preferences related to the navigation of the terminal you are using: If several people use the same terminal, its preferences may not correspond to yours, as they will incorporate the preferences of these people as well



Some purely functional cookies are necessary, for which consent is not required, because without them the functioning of the Site is not possible or imperfect, and can be placed and read on the terminal of the Internet user without the need for consent and therefore without waiting for the continuation of the navigation. They are linked to the ergonomics or operation of our Site (shopping cart, account, language, management of newsletters, management of refusal of cookies, management of the loyalty points program, etc.).

They are used for example, to identify your location, so that when you visit our Site, we display the Site in the language of your location, in French language or to customize the offer of the Site according to your preferences, or the offer received or the advantage code that you enter for example or to offer you a management of your loyalty points or secure account and allow necessary features (such as adding images, shopping cart) or useful (pop up windows for example).

These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the website. They allow you to browse the site, to search for products


Other cookies are not functional but for statistics, audience or performance measurements, targeting or social networks.

These cookies allow us to understand how our visitors use the site, in order t o measure and improve its performance. For example, they allow us to identify the most and least popular pages. They also keep track of the number of visitors, the time spent by each visitor on the site, and the search methods used on the site. These cookies allow us to optimize the site and to ensure that each page loads and displays correctly. All of the information collected by these cookies is anonymous and is not linked to your personal data

  • Google Analytics :
  • KEYNEO uses the Google Analytics service offered by the American company Google Inc. which allows audience measurement by offering a tool for counting visitors and pages viewed, in order to know how they visit the Site. These cookies are deposited and read on your terminal when you access a website that uses the “Google Analytics” service
  • The list of cookies used may not be exhaustive and may change over time
  • If we set new cookies with different purposes, the cookie information banner will be displayed again on your next visit to notify you of the cookies used and their purpose.
  • The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address, which identifies your location on the Internet) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity for website operators and to provide other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google
  • For more information on Google Analytics, please see the details on Cookies and Analytics, as well as their privacy policy for Google Analytics
  • You can go to .
  • DoubleClick :
  • DoubleClick may place two cookies on your device – “test_cookie”, which lasts for 15 minutes, and a cookie called “id”, which lasts for two years. These cookies are intended to facilitate the provision of audience targeting services for the publication and advertisers. To learn more, click here and to refuse the setting of these cookies on your device click here


If we set new cookies with different purposes, the cookie information banner will be displayed again on your next visit to notify you of the cookies used and their purpose.

The data we collect via the cookies we use may be shared with our (technical) service providers.


If you have concerns about the use of cookies, you can choose to disable them, including changing your browser settings to block only certain types of cookies.

You have the option to accept or decline cookies and action tags.

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies by default, but you can usually modify your browser settings to refuse them systematically or to select the ones you accept. Your browser can be set to ask you on a case-by-case basis whether you accept or decline cookies before they are installed.

If you choose to decline cookies and action tags, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of our service or the websites you visit

You have several options for setting your browser, managing or deleting cookies in bulk or separately, on request or automatically.

A cookie that is not deleted by your browser, has a lifetime and unless renewed, it will disappear at the end of the period for which it was installed.

Prohibiting or deleting the cookie(s) may prevent or limit the functionality of the site or provide you with an imperfect service.

The procedure for managing cookies depends on your browser and is described in the help menu of your browser.

To learn more about how to do this, please consult your browser’s help.

To set cookies on

You can also obtain information on the CNIL website at the following address:

We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that, when you oppose the installation or use of a cookie on the KEYNEO site, a refusal cookie will be installed on your terminal equipment. It must not be deleted, because if you do so, we will be unable to identify you as having refused the use of our cookies.

Advertising companies also offer you the choice not to receive targeted advertisements. This does not prevent cookies from being set, but it does prevent certain information from being collected and used by these companies.

You can also manage cookies via platforms (

We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that, when you oppose the installation or use of a cookie on the KEYNEO Site, a refusal cookie will be installed on your terminal equipment. It must not be deleted, because if you do so, we will be unable to identify you as having refused the use of our cookies. If you accidentally delete it, you will have to reinstall it, so that you can be identified

Lille – Paris – Aix-en-Provence
+33 3 62 64 81 31