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Slot and appointment management for smoother in-store traffic.

  • Available as a stand-alone solution or integrated to your website
  • Multi-service and multi-salesperson management
  • Fully customizable
  • Dedicated to retail

An example of a path

Customer loyalty is at the heart of every store’s strategy. Offer a premium service to your customers by allowing them to make an appointment in store and benefit from a tailor-made service.

Are you anticipating a large number of customers in store due to the sale of a highly anticipated product or a seasonal peak (Christmas shopping, Black Friday…)? Suggest your customers to plan their visit. Slots management will allow you to spread out visits in store.

A better welcome for your customers, allocating them to their personal sales person.

Associated with the click and collect solution, your customers reserve their products, pay online and plan their visit: a guaranteed time saving for their purchases and which allows the teams to optimize their time.

The features

Simple, responsive and intuitive interface. We adapt the path to your needs.

  • Choice of store: the customer selects the desired store
  • Choice of service: the customer selects the desired service or department
  • Date and time slot selection: the customer selects the appointment time slot that suits him/her
  • Appointment confirmation: appointment notification are automatically issued (confirmation, reminder, etc.)

A web interface to :

  • Set up your services/vendors, available time slots and your appointment quotas by slots and by day
  • Manage your appointments: booking, qualification, finalization, cancellation, deletion
  • Stats monitoring: number of visits, appointment duration, flow and conversions
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Our customers

  • casclient-Micromania
  • Micromania Zing
  • In-store appointment
  • Well done Keyneo for the speed of implementation and the adaptation of the solution to our needs.
  • Samuel Vandamme, e-commerce manager at Micromania Zing

Why choose us?

Our support

We support you throughout your project: advice on the journeys and uses, conception and design of the solution, customization and integration with your IS, deployment and maintenance in operational conditions. “

Contact us

Lille – Paris – Aix-en-Provence
+33 3 62 64 81 31